Monday, May 11, 2009


Some interesting facts about 'Land of lightening and Thunder'

Many may have heard about the sobriquet ' Land of Lightening and Thunder' for an Asian nation. But some may not know it. For those uninitiated, the land is 'Bhutan', which has some interesting facts to offer in the globalized era.

The population of Bhutan is just 70% of a million, but lying between the most populous nations on earth viz: India and China. It has only one airport with just two commercial planes available for cruise. The idiot box came into being in Bhutan just 10 years ago (probably that way the citizens may be assumed to be bit more intelligent than others), when the whole of the world was supposedly becoming worldy wise watching the television (which is otherwise known as the idiot box).

The east can be reached from west only after 4 days on mountainous terrains. And sorry... no puffing in Bhutan. Cigarettes are banned here and 'Thimpu' has no stoplight and just one traffic officer on duty. Thimpu happens to be the capital city and now one can imagine the regulated life of Bhutan, where the frontiers of technology and modernity are yet to pierce deep. The government is scaling on the concept of GNH (Gross National Happiness) than pushing their population to the wild goose chase of improving GNP (Gross National Product). The country has just shed its monarchy, though it has stuck to its traditional attire and architecture as enforced by law.

Do these facts interest anybody to make a try to this land of pristine values?

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