You might have heard a helicopter called a ‘chopper’. Ever heard of the word ‘Hotelicoptor’? Well, as a tourist or a traveler, you would be at benefit to add the word in your lexicon. You may fly in the hotelicoptor and enjoy your travel with five star hotel facilities.
The hotelicoptor could be called a ‘flying hotel’. The Mil V12 modified by the Russians, the flying machine has 18 luxurious rooms with attached bar, dressing rooms, internet facilities etc. Tourists that have traveled opine they had unforgettable experience in the hotelicoptor. The hotelicoptor company has announced a holiday program, for which interested tourists can book in advance.
The first batch starts on 26 Apr and would fly over California for 14 days. The next 7 day trip would be in Jamaica on end July. There is a schedule for 16 days in the European nations too. Like to fly in the hotelicoptor? Now that you have seen the schedules, you may plan accordingly.
Labels: California, Europe, flying hotel, Hotelicoptor, Jamaica, Mil V12
# posted by Murthy @ 9:47 PM